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Publicaciones en revistas arbitradas

  1. D.F. Kornovan, N.V. Corzo, J. Laurat & A.S. Sheremet. Extremely subradiant states in a periodic one-dimensional atomic array. Phys. Rev. A 100, 063832 (2019).

  2. N.V. Corzo, J. Raskop, A. Chandra, A. S. Sheremet, B. Gouraud & J. Laurat. Waveguide-coupled single collective excitation of atomic arrays. Nature 566, 359 (2019).

  3. V. A. Pivovarov, A. S. Sheremet, L. V. Gerasimov, V. M. Porozova, N. V. Corzo, J. Laurat, and D. V. Kupriyanov. Light Scattering From an Atomic Array Trapped Near a One-Dimensional Nanoscale Waveguide: a Microscopic Approach. Phys. Rev. A 97, 023827 (2018)

  4. N. V. Corzo, B. Gouraud, A. Chandra, A. Goban, A. S. Sheremet, D. V. Kupriyanov, and J. Laurat. Large Bragg Reflection from One-Dimensional Chains of Trapped Atoms Near a Nanoscale Waveguide. Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 133603 (2016).

  5. S. Shi, A. Thomas, N. V. Corzo, P. Kumar, Y.-P. Huang, and K. F. Lee. Broadband photon pair generation in green fluorescent proteins through spontaneous four-wave mixing. Sci. Rep. 6, 24344 (2016).

  6. B. Evrard, A. Qu, K. Jiménez-García, J. Dalibard, and F. Gerbier. Relaxation and hysteresis near Shapiro resonances in a driven spinor condensate. Phys. Rev. A. 100, 023604 (2019).

  7. K. Jiménez-García, A. Invernizzi, B. Evrard, C. Frapolli, J. Dalibard, and F. Gerbier. Spontaneous formation and relaxation of spin domains in antiferromagnetic spin-1 quasi-condensates, Nature Communications 10, 1422 (2019).

  8. C. Frapolli, T. Zibold, A. Invernizzi, K. Jiménez-García, J. Dalibard, and F. Gerbier. Stepwise Bose-Einstein Condensation in a Spinor Gas, Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 050404 (2017).

Laboratorio de Tecnologías Cuánticas
CINVESTAV - Unidad Querétaro
Libramiento Norponiente #2000
Fracc. Real de Juriquilla. C.P. 76230
Santiago de Querétaro, Qro. México

kjiménezgarcía 2021

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